Ships ahoy!

Mr C and I went down to Bexhill as he is now able to visit his Great Aunt in her care home. Only one person allowed so I stayed at her bungalow. It’s incredibly sad the timing of losing her husband in February, her going into the same care home where he was (but of course she was hoping to return home) so she could be with him and then lockdown happened so family members have been unable to see her. She has had enough now and would just like to fall asleep peacefully. 

After his visit, we grabbed some fish and chips and went and sat on the beach to have them. Both Mr C and I didn’t sleep very well last night so a little snooze on the beach was just the order of the day. We then took the coastal road to head back home, stopping off at Beachy Head for an ice cream and to take in the views.

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