At last!

I love nasturtiums but could never grow them as mice or rabbits would eat them. This year I put them in pots and I’m
Loving the bright orange and yellow.

It has been hot down south but pleasant here.

I made some food to take down to Linda’s later - Colin retired today aged 70 but due to Covid there were no celebrations work. He’s been working from home. So we are having a little do in their garden. I’m not sure of the
“Rules” re how many people are allowed to meet outside today. It could be 6 or 30. Or if Priti Patel is counting 2 million 27 60.

Covid numbers are increasing in Europe, and here. Parliament is off on its summer break and won’t be back till October. Meanwhile in Scotland the First Minister still appears on TV - she is leading whatever people think of her. Unlike our crew - apparently Dom-Bo is so useless they are going to have an American style press briefing was a Director of Communications. Bet S/he won’t be as good as C J.

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