Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

No nuts...

... The feeders were filled last night!
My Mother (bless) had a phrase, ‘it’s like giving a donkey strawberries’.
So it is, but it’s good to see the birds!

We sat out in the warm and fragrant garden air until quite late last night, along with bats (and Bitey Things, who valiantly fought their way through my mozzie deterrent. Grr).

Today I finished a number of unfinished things, which was extremely satisfying.
And then I sliced my finger :-/
(When cutting a bagel I recommend not leaving one finger wafting about in the available hole. However comfortable it might feel it won’t end well).

Never mind! It’s Friday evening and the wine forecast is looking red and favourable :-)

Happy Friday one and all!

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