Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

A better setting...

... Yes. I could have used a better setting. 
I was nipping out between sunshine and showers and the way the light caught the rose caught my eye. 
I could have messed about post upload and improved things but, I like it the way it is with the accent on the flower. 
Perhaps it matches my mood today, which is neither good nor bad but 'weird'. (The kind of mood where you wouldn't be surprised if the phone rang telling you something unusual had happened. But, it hasn't. So far). A relative used to call this feeling 'doo-luss' - do-less I assume? Is it a Black Country saying? Her origins were Worcester, so it may be from there.  

A day of mixed weather, and mixed feeling. 
I think I'll just have a look at the crossword and see what tomorrow brings :-)

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