It's the weekend!
The plan to wake early and do a walk in the Mall for exercise got forgotten as we eased into the day. G's email needed it's finishing touches and I am glad to say it got sent my 2 pm. It's always a relief once that happens. :)
I finally unpacked my new toy gadget - the negative and slide scanner. It didn't take too long to set up and do the first test scans. I went with the first roll of slides I could get my hands on and it turns out to be the last film roll before I went digital. How about that?
I am pleased to say it works fairly well and it didn't take more than twenty minutes to do the entire roll; not that I scanned every single frame.
We met up with a group of our church friends at Festival City to have a Pizza Hut Super Limo pizza. It turns out PH suddenly withdrew the Super Limo pizza, but the Limo pizza was still on the menu. It is one metre long and you can choose three different types. It caused quite a stir at the table - the sight of a metre long box!!
We went on to the Last Exit for Karak tea. None of the folk in the group had been before and they thoroughly enjoyed it. The humidity made it uncomfortable to be out too long, so we're all looking forward to returning in cooler months. I was wearing my new black trainers and designer facemask, so the group had a go at me pointing at each of these, fashionista that I am - NOT!
We got home before midnight but I was too tired to think of writing a few paragraphs. I had a go at downloading pictures from my camera to my phone - one of the big positives of switching to Android. The camera battery died so that little exercise came to an end quickly.
So pleased I am safely home. I did a quick look at "one year ago" and was reminded of being admitted to hospital whilst on holiday last year. :(( I went into emergency thinking I'd be sent home with the medicines I needed and ended up being there for two weeks!
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