
By BikerJim

~Polychromatic Extravaganza~

~A Southern View At Sunset~

This is a view of the southern sky at sunset tonight. If I was to turn my camera to the west where the sun was setting and took a photograph all you would see would be a cloudless blue sky. Before the sun went down there was no color to the south, but I was marveling at the shapes and textures in that direction. Then the sky started gathering hues and became more three-dimensional. As soon as it reached this high point it began to decline at a very rapid rate, within a minute the sky was just filled with main shades of gray.

I haven't posted for a week now. The reason why? No sunsets of any merit, really a dry spell as far as clouds in the late afternoon. I have decided to just do sunset images now, for awhile anyway. This gives me a chance to really hone my sundown skills, plus I can comment and reply with more spare time on my hands.

Also, I'm contemplating doing a calendar and/or a book of my sunset images. The book would require more work as I would like to incorporate words to accompany the images. A calendar would probably come first though with less images, 12 or 14, and just an image title or a few words. The book would be many more images and words. Someone has offered to help me select and edit both projects, as I'm not a good judge of my own work. Too much of an emotional attachment to my images I guess. So, I'm excited about doing this and looking forward to the adventure!

Thanks for coming by and looking, TucsonJim ;o)

A Bigger Southern Extravaganza

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