
By BikerJim

~Cold Winter Storm Passes~

~Of Dead Reckoning West~

Unlike yesterdays image, tonights western sky is filled with color and forms. But it was sure cold up on the Ridge tonight, in the low forties but the storm is moving out. I awoke this morning to the silence of falling snow, beautiful but quite. My usual mornings are filled with a variety of sounds like birds singing, coyotes calling, deers running over stones, and an occasional high flying hawk calling its mate. But when the snow fell and covered the ground not a sound could I hear, just sheer silence and that was barely audible. But by noon all traces of snow had vanished so the world and its sounds returned. This left the day to finish out with a cold, damp and muddy conclusion. At least the sky was vibrant and filled with warmth, compared to this morning.

Thanks for visiting, TucsonJim ;o)

Larger Western Sky

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