Big Boy Bruno

This morning I went for my walk in the park at 7.30am because it was very hot and the day was showing all the signs of being a scorcher. Yay!

At 11.30am we were due to meet Ann's friends, Kay & Ruth, for a walk round 'Harlaw Reservoir' but unfortunately when we got there the car park was full and there was no where to park so off we went to 'Almondell Country Park'.

…...............And just look who we met on our walk down to the river..................... 'Big boy Bruno', the black lab. I went on my very first 'play date' with him a couple of weeks after Ann adopted me last year. I haven't seen 'big boy Bruno' for more than a year but we remembered each other and we had the bestest play ever.

I may look like I'm trying to bite him here but we were just playing, and Bruno's owner was a bit worried that he was being too rough with me, but I didn't care. We had the bestest play ever.

I love 'big boy Bruno'. And I think he loves me too!!!!

Lovely to meet you again 'Big Boy Bruno'. xxxxxx

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