
As lockdown has kind of arrived at a ragged and Ill defined conclusion of sorts, so the days of daily walks for me and Dan have come to an end. I'm not entirely clear why they started in the first place, to be honest, because I think we'd been out walking the weekend before the lockdown started, but in many ways it was the best change to happen during that whole period.

From a mental health perspective, it lent some focus and routine to our days, and it was good for me as I was working from home; I knew I had to have everything done by four-thirty, which meant work never drifted into the early evening. But the best bit was having an hour or so every day with Dan.

It's quite natural for your teenage children to put more emphasis on their friends than family and I always felt that one of the best things about going out in the car with my older daughters when they were learning to drive was having that regular time with them. It was a way of re-engaging with them as young adults.

And so it has been with Dan. The first few days I remember feeling a need to keep the conversation going, which must've been quite tiresome for him, but once I'd relaxed a bit, the chat was all quite natural and the silences comfortable.

However, when I say our daily walks have come to an end, I'm only referring to the 'daily' part. If we're both home in the afternoon, we still go out to stretch our legs and today we did Dan's favourite walk, out to Hophouse Lane and back through High and Low Biggins. 

This tyre, casually leaning against garden wall, was the most surreal feature of today's walk.

-10.9 kgs

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