Wonder what’s gone on here
It’s been a really hot and humid day (although not sunny sadly) which is made working quite a challenge.
At the end of the day I took the car up to the garage for its MOT which is due tomorrow. And then I had to hotfoot it down the hill in time for my yoga class. Spotted these horses in ‘hoods’ (?) and this new gate sign. I can only assume someone has been making them unwell by feeding them something inappropriate. I can’t imaging how unpleasant it must be to wear a hood in 31 degree heat and have a nose full of flies!
I was absolutely ringing with sweat at the end of the walk which took about 40 minutes. Thankfully I had just enough time to jump into the shower to get my core temperature down. Despite best intentions the result was a very damp yoga session. I felt quite bendy (for me) once I got going! Is this what they call Hot Yoga?
My back still hurts when I lie on the floor. I’m wondering if to go to the doctor to get it checked out as I landed on breeze blocks when I fell and the area near my left kidney seems to have born the brunt of the fall whereas the rest of me is pretty much recovered now. I think it’s muscle pain as it’s really sharp shooting pain but only when my back is at certain angles and pressed to the floor. It would make sense if I’ve slightly torn a muscle or bruised something. Don’t really fancy going to the doctors if I can avoid it.
There are supposed to be a Thunderstorms on the way - exciting!
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