
By Mindseye

Manchester morning

I was up this morning, with the help of the alarm as I had a dentist appointment in Manchester quite early.

Hub was still asleep until I went back upstairs to clean my teeth agsin before leaving.....I forced myself to have a bowl of porridge as the dentist had said to have something substantial for breakfast.

I left in plenty of time as I wasnt sure what rush hour is like these days......turns out that there isn't such a thing! The motorway was probably quieter than later in the day.

I parked up without any mishaps, no bump, no lost carpark ticket ;-) I was a bit early so took a walk around Spinningfields.......where todays blip, via my phone, was taken. As you can see the city was pretty deserted.

Had 5 minutes to spare, the receptionist checked my temperature and I was good to go. Three injections later and finally a numb lip, my wobbly tooth was no more, well after three tugs......as is normal for me, it bled quite a bit, but after 15 minutes it was ok.

Felt a bit shaky at first so sat for 10 mins before walking the few yards to Cafe Nero nextdoor.....one small cappuccino with a straw please ;-) Took my time, enjoyed my coffee, before walking back to the car park.

Went to sis's for our usual few hours, a bit of shopping, lunch in M&S, soup for me......then back to hers again. The car was so hot when we got back in......32 degrees. We didnt even sit outside in the garden, Kobi lay out for a little while until sis called him in, just too hot.

I left a bit later than normal, the motorway was slow, temperature reached 34 on the way home.....glad of the air con today, but doesnt it makes you realise just how hot it is outside!

I didnt expect to see hub but he was still waiting for daughter to pick him up. He went out for tea with them to a local pub. I was planning on having leek & potato soup for my tea, that I made yesterday.

By the time Id put the shopping away, got changed & sat in the garden with my book it was almost 6.........later, had my soup then sat out again reading. Hub came back around 7.30, we stayed outside for another hour or so.

It is still a really warm 24 degrees.
No sign of any thunderstorms as yet!

Hope you are all safe & well

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