The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Bee Yourself

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini Princess went camping with her posse. Last year I gave her a big chat about knowing what it’s like to be a teenager and drinking sensibly but it fell on deaf ears. Because there was no booze. At all.

This year there was and it sounded WILD. They all went crazy and had ONE Desperados each. ONE!

They made a fire, cooked burgers, drank hot chocolate, listened to music, stayed up late, slept out in camping hammocks and loved it. It’s the first time the seven of them (one couldn’t make it) have been together since March.

They were all up by 7.30 eating bacon and chocolate for breakfast so when I went to pick up EMP, she looked exhausted. When we got home, she headed to bed whilst (weakly) protesting that she can never get to sleep during the day.

When she re-emerged. She said she’d had a nap. Only in the world of a teenager does 5 hours count as a nap!


PS When The Mini Princesses were little, their primary school introduced a motivational and inspirational school song - “Be yourself.’’ Except the kids used to change “be” to “pee”!

“Pee yourself
You don’t want to pee like anybody else”

Still makes me laugh!

*Desperados Ugh. Who decided that ruining the taste of beer with tequila was a good idea?

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