The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Raising The Roof

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We went to Castle Douglas for The Major & Majorette’s wedding along with The Explorer, Boots, Kitty Cat, Marsh and their troops.

The wedding didn’t get off to a brilliant start. We had just sat down for the meal when the ceiling came down above one of the tables. Kitty Cat (a nurse) was amazing - she (along with The Explorer) looked after 2 women until the paramedics arrived but thankfully, there were no serious injuries and no one ended up in hospital.

People were understandably shaken but the fire service said that part of the room could still be used and the hotel staff were amazing. They divided the room with sheets, put up a makeshift bar and the party went on!

It was an amazing night. I think everyone made even more of an effort after the earlier drama. The dance floor was never empty and The Major and The Majorette had a great time and looked really happy.

I spent most of the evening on the dance floor (after I kicked off my stupid high heels) with people I love. I have NEVER seen The Prince dance that much at a wedding which was brilliant and The Mini Princesses even got up. In fact, despite her initial reluctance, The Youngest Mini Princess hardly left the dance floor once she was on it.

At the end of the evening, there were postcards on the table for guests to write messages to the happy couple. The two heartfelt offerings from our table were “I hope your wedding night is like my old kitchen table - 4 bare legs and no drawers” and a picture of a willy with “Top Wedding.” I think the moral of that story is not to give pens to drunk people.

Boots and The Explorer made new best friends with people sharing the taxi and invited them back to our hotel to have a night cap as you do with new best friends but we didn’t last much longer before we all wobbled off to our rooms!


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