
By bananablip


this is esneya sakala, wonder twin no.1 (if you missed it, you can catch wonder twin no.2 a few days ago). i love these twins so much, and i figure that since i'm allowed to take two suitcases on the plane, i can smuggle them into the uk with me.

esneya also started out as an school mission intern, and through the programme we have discovered the gifts that God has given her. i am utterly delighted that my next few weeks will be spent training her to take on the administrative side of school mission and farm fresh. i'm excited to be handing over the task to someone so brilliantly capable.

as well as being quality at administration she has a wickedly dry sense of humour which i adore.

one of the absolute highlights of 2012 for me was watching esneya perform slam poetry at the school mission 25 year anniversary in front of massive group of people. she'd been pretty reluctant to do it in the run up and so seeing her absolutely smash it was one of the proudest moments of my entire life. what a girl.

i'm pretty sure everybody needs a couple of wonder twins in their life. i know that my life is 100% better for having these wonder twins in it.

(i'm taking a break from my normal blipping routine and from now until i leave i will be posting portraits of the people that i love here in zambia. i might put them all together at the end to make a mammoth picture to hang on my wall, but mostly they will stay here on blip so i can remember these lovely people.)

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