Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Ice festival

Of course it was snowing and my friend wondered laughing why I lured her out in this foul weather. I had no response to that. :) She had one of her little ones with her, so we spent most of the time in the city garden playground. I managed to take a few photos on the ice sculpture artists and then I drained my camera batteries on trying to get a nice shot of little S on the swing. Didn't happen! All of those shots was without sharpness. :D
The ice is transported from Torne river, way up in the Northern parts of Sweden. It has that beautiful blue colour and the artists creates their sculptures in the garden. After they are finished the sculptures will be lit up in the evening and I'll take a tour around the park one evening to see if I can show you how it looks then.
After a couple of hours in the park we went to a café - the one with all the good pastries, and we all had one. Yes, I did too! A 'semla', my first this year and perhaps my only one. :)
My friends son is a bit reserved against people, but at the end of our café visit he asked 'Is Anna coming too?' with a shy little smile and my heart just melted!! :) Then he was up to some mischiefs and ran away with a playful smile and because his mother had his stroller I got a good workout running after him (they are fast!! :D ) and carrying him. We had fun both of us! :) He so cute and sweet! And his older brother are just the same!

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