The terrapin

Following a change of plan, I decided to venture back to the Wolseley Centre where  I  used to work as a volunteer.

You don’t have to book and the areas around the water splash were heaving with children and Canada Geese. Luckily, I know a few quieter routes and I rejoined the one way system on the boardwalk.

The regular paparazzi confirmed that they’d seen the kingfisher and I carried on, alert.

I was so lucky. As I crossed the bridge near the (now unusable) bird hide, I saw his beautiful blue back as he posed and then watched him fly off at speed .... no photo. But I don’t care. Just to see him raises the spirits. 

My blip is of the terrapin. He’s the final survivor of four of a gift from the earlier owner to his American wife. This one evaded capture when the house was sold and it’s good that he’s still carrying on regardless. 

Seth loved the photo too. 

Stay cool my friends. 

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