A Driving Home Blip ....

Been out all day - up to my Mum's for the monthly haircut with the visiting hairdresser-man - then lunch (thanks Mum) ..... faffing about on the laptop and looking at "things in Texas" for our trip in April ..... then a drive home.

No photos taken at all until the sky started to turn these beautiful colours, pulled into a layby (rest area) and out into the cold then realised I had my 70-300 lens on the camera - not particularly good for landscapes!!!!!!
Tried the shot with a few pylons in the foreground but decided the tree looked better - SOOC except for a slight crop.

Bigger Sky

Thank you so much for all your comments, stars and stuff on yesterday's 'Anthers' .... :-))

NIKON D90 : f/11 : 1/500" : 70mm : ISO 200

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