AOG: Grasshopper Long Jump
On Day 12 of the Alternative Olympic Games I thought I'd report on one of the field events. So here is Gloria making her way to the grasshopper long jump. She was in excellent form today in spite of the extreme heat and full sun all day. There has been a spotlight on Gloria as the poster girl for the games, but the pressure didn't affect her and she easily took Gold.
Day 150 / Full Day 142 of Lockdown / Day 40 of Step 3 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 77 to 46,706, with new cases daily up by 1,009. England is aligning with other countries in the UK and will have a 28 day cut off after a positive test for counting deaths as Covid related. As a result numbers are being reduced by 5,377 to 41,329 for the UK - the old method was flawed but to me so is this one. India passes the number of deaths in the UK, it now has the fourth highest number. The source of infection is still unknown for the family of 4 who've got Covid in New Zealand despite not travelling abroad, freight is being investigated as a possible source. The ONS reports GDP down a huge 20.4% in Q2 - the UK is the worst affected country bar Spain, probably due to the longer lockdown than most countries and our reliance on service industries which are the worst affected due to the need for social distancing. Marking for A and AS levels in England has been tweaked to enable the result of mock exams to be taken as the grade if higher than the awarded grade. Nat West is asking staff to apply for 550 voluntary redundancies.
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