"After much debating…

…etc."  I decided this was "it"; for a number of reasons.
One of my criteria - ease of duplicating the shot - not all that likely.
Another, not always obvious - I'd like a GOOD shot of whatever in preference to a motley one, if poss.
Having been "out" for the first time since going under house arrest; Jerra, Clicky and I rendezvoused at Melkinthorpe for a brew and a look around plants.  I may have made history; I can't ever remember leaving "Melki" plantless/seedless before.
I had innumerable shots of bees bums sticking out of flowers, macros, a shot from the coolest little nook I found in Melki for a swift rest if that's not an "oxidised-moron".
This I spotted climbing Kemplay bank as I started to descend.  Being stationary in one of the longest queues for the lights controlling Eamont's bridge I had ample time to rattle off a couple of shots; this being the better of the two.
Extra - see what I mean about Bee's bums.  This one dived head first into a HUGENORMOUS  "CYNARA scolymus. Better commonly known as Globe artichoke"

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