Emily Clicks

By emilyclicks

Starry, starry night

The Edinburgh International Science Festival will be here soon. I hadn't heard of it either until recently - through work, but theres some pretty cool events coming up. Some stuff I can't wait to see. This is one of the events in St Andrews Square - and you can get a sneak preview! The display boards show different views of the universe - looks pretty big out there. Mind boggling stuff that I can never get my head around...but interesting non the less.

I'm shutting down now - doing my bit for Earth Hour. My candles are lit and I'm going to enjoy some quiet time with a book. Its quite difficult to type in the dark!

Oh, and yes, I did say I wouldn't be able to blip today because Dave had taken the mac with him, but I've managed to bring my rickety old laptop back to life - hes doing the job just fine. Well done Larry.

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