Emily Clicks

By emilyclicks

One blink later...

...and it was gone. I was extremely lucky to catch this! Moments later the heavens opened again and I was quite glad to still be at work!

Just as I'd put my camera down, content at catching my blip for the day, another one came along to cause me a dilemma. Just after the rainbow disappeared, who should I spot out of the window for the first time in weeks, but stressed-out-needs-a-new-alarm-clock-blonde-girl from my old route to work. But it wouldn't have made a good shot from this angle and I was too far away to ask her permission, so I left it and opted for the rainbow.

Its been a good day today, very busy, but in a good way and the pub lunch helped to break it up a bit.

I think I'll be back-blipping on Sunday as I won't have a mac tomorrow... Dave is away for the weekend, roll on Sunday (Not just for the Mac's return!)

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