The End of the Universe

Really hot yesterday, rumbling thunder late afternoon and into the evening and then late evening (at last) it started raining. But when we woke up - clear skies and warmth. But still evidence of the overnight rain.

6pm I had the End of the Universe in my diary. An online New Scientist event with cosmologist and theoretical physicist. A combination of the fascinating and incomprehensible. Fortunately “The End” looks to be billions of years away.

I am having a British Gas week. Mum and Dad’s central heating system is very old (45 years plus), and increasingly problematical, They’ve forgotten how to work it. And so ....

No hot water. Sorted. (over 2 days). But that meant that the heating is full on. The living room is like a sauna with outside temperatures of 30 degrees. .A visit from another engineer now planned for Saturday. And then today someone on the sales side visited to advise on how we can replace the old system with as little disruption as possible (still means quite a bit). “They’re a right pair” he advised after his visit. Of course they are. But we cannot have an unfixable breakdown over the winter.

Sorting out my parents affairs at a 180 mile distance is a challenge at times.

And .... Bird number 39 first heard and then seen from the garden lunchtime. A raven flew over

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