The day to start is today

By Traci

Tap tap tappity tap

It's half term for myself and my 2 youngest daughters. My elder 2 are both working but one has developed a severe throat infection and has been signed off work for the week. Luckily her and her oldest sister work in the same place so shifts can be covered at our local pub.

It seems that whenever I am off for a school break, I take to a day on the computer and end up having a chill day surfing the web (if that's still the right phrase) you can find out so much, plan so much, buy so much .... not that I did today!!! But the internet just makes everything so easy. It also makes the day so much more interesting when it's RAINING ... again. We have to wait and see whether the weathermen have got their about turn on their weather decision correct and we are not now getting any snow, which would have at least been a break from the wet and a bit of fun too with no work to go to.

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