
By Farmerboab

Circle the waggon’s.....

A day of chaos.
The drainers here cleaning a ditch but managed to catch the 63mm water pipe despite yesterday’s investigations.
Will now need a couple of fittings and a new bit of pipe to repair it.
The contractor in with another 360 digger to make a level pad up the yard to sit my grain dryer on. They spent the afternoon hauling about 100+ tons of the stones that came off the reseed grass field down at the quarry to make it. Then another three loads of soil to fill in a bit where a drain had washed away in a field.
It was misty/ murky most of the day until the sun came out at tea time , so I hitched up the mower and went to knock down another 20 acre field of grass. By the time I finished at 9.30 the clouds were back though.
Ho hum.

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