You put your left leg in

I have waited ages for this.

I hate people touching my feet - I used to
Get my nails done and the manicurist went crazy with me one day because she noticed I had only painted my toes in the spaces you could see between my sandal straps.

She dragged me into the pedicure seat and made me sit... and plied me with wine and chocolate to shut me up.

When she was finished. Oh my. My feet felt fantastic... and I was hooked.

But my experiences since have been varied to say the least.

Last years almost put me off for life.

But I got recommendations ... and as soon as the world woke up from Lockdown I got an appointment made.

It was supposed to be Tuesday, but it got cancelled and I had bad feelings; but they made me a new appointment and off I toddled.

And in and went.

Feet cleaned. Good start.

Comfy bed. Excellent

Filing hard skin. Tidy.

Exfoliation. Gorgeous.

Hot towel. Immense.

Hot rub with cream. Luscious

Toe nails trimmed. Filed and cuticles pushed. Not unpleasant

Gel applied; dried; gorgeous

Foot and ankle and calf massage. Heavenly


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