Just a Little ray of Light Shining through
There's a fairground in town.
It's been there for 2 weeks now I think... It arrived while Tooli was still here; and she's been gone 11 days now, and I think it still has a few days to run.
I am very attracted to the lights of the Fairground, but nothing else. When I was younger, the boys on the fairground rides did not hold an attraction for me the way they did for other girls.
They smoked, they swore, and most of all they were gobshites.
I've loved driving by and looking at the lights, they are all very much jazzier than my first visit to a fairground, in Aberdeen when I was about 5; and which ended in me vomiting over my shoes and my dad's sheepskin coat. The waltzers have never been my friend.
I wanted a shot of them in the dark. The sun was just setting last night when I set off, I turned the corner, dismay! they were closed.
I left half an hour earlier tonight - and yes they were still open, but the sky was as light as day. I shot off a couple but they weren't as I pictured them in my head.
But then I looked beyond the paint and music of the fairground and spotted the sun.
Why have artificial. when you can have real?
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