By lizzie_birkett


The dress is finished, just a simple pull on shift - no zip or other fasteners. I had to do a bit of unpicking here and there because of silly mistakes like not measuring! However it fit's perfectly so now I know I can use that pattern for more dresses.
I've got fabric for another 3!

The last 2 nights Bella May has woken me up in the night desperate to go out - and without going into too much detail - left some very yukky deposits in the garden. As any good dog owner would do I had to look closely 8-[.
I think I found out what was wrong and it was my fault.
You know when I said the other day that I had put a slug pub out in the veg plot...I think she had drunk the stout and also consumed the dead slugs! Yuk Yuk Yuk! The evidence was there!
I hope she's all better now. Worrying though as dogs can get lung worm from eating slugs. Nasty.

Our son-in-law in the village in SW Scotland had a break in last night. Nothing stolen. A totally out-of-his-face drunk from a town up north hammered their door so much that the key fell on the floor in the utility room and he reached through the cat flap and retrieved it, let himself in and then locked the door!
He then proceeded to bawl and shout that he had knives. Peter stayed up stairs in his bedroom with the kids and called the police. When they finally arrived they told Peter over the phone to come downstairs to unlock the door which he had to do even though he was petrified. When he went went in the kitchen the guy was lying asleep on the couch with a knife in his hand and wearing Peter's sunglasses!
The police took him away and locked him up and his court appearance was today.
What an absolute shocking thing to experience with 2 young kids in the house. They were all traumatised.

Anyway, I'm worn out. Tomorrow we go to Southport to visit my sister Sue who will be 70 on Sunday. It will be socially distanced.

Goodnight :-)x

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