Heading home.

Had a lovely day with Paul and the twins today. After having their birthday party with their cousins etc at Grandma and Grandads last night today we headed to the cinema and pizza hut. We took them to see "wreckin Ralph" in 3D. It was actually really good and the twins loved it which was the main thing. Had to laugh at the end when Paul and I realised that infact he and I had been wearing the childrens sized glasses and Jack and Erins the adult ones. Pillocks!!!

Headed to pizza hut after where the children ate nothing in the end as they were full from sweets. Not the healthiest lunch for them and especially as Paul is a dentist!!!! Shame on Mummy.

The children were desperate to go back to Pauls after so we popped round for a while and we all played on the Wii before walking home. The walk was lovely and Jack and Erin were both so sweet running ahead and then back to me and then racing each other again. Once back we had about an hour of us sat playing lego together which I loved as they had said they wanted to play on their ds yet once here it was lego. Much more social and we had great fun together. I love times like this when we get to sit and play and talk rather than their faces stuck in a computer game and just occasional grunts. There is enough time for that when they are 15 not 5!

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