
By Houseonahill6

Good to be home

It’s good to be home after a very sad few weeks.I can not believe it’s a week since my Dad’s funeral. We were lucky that the weather was kind to us and that everyone we wanted there was able to come along.
I will fill in the missing blips eventually. We were travelling down to see my Mum and Dad and to go to my Uncle Alan’s funeral on July 18th when my brother phoned to say that my Dad had just passed away. We were near Doncaster so still miles away and it was early evening so we knew we would not be able to drive all the way to Kent so stuck to our planned stay in St Neots and set off early the next morning to be with my Mum and brother.
Although my Dad had been to the hospital in the morning he was sent home and died in bed with my Mum at his side. He would have hated being in hospital.
We went to my Uncles funeral the next day, which was hard and emotional but so glad we went.
The next few days were spent arranging the funeral etc.So pleased I was there to help out, it was as if my Dad knew.
Back home again for 5 days and then the return journey South.
We’re doing ok , just trying to get used to the fact that he’s no longer here, he won’t be picking up the phone when I call, I can not send him little messages or photos of where we’ve been.
I’ll stop now as the tears have started again. Love and miss you Dad x

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