Wednesday: Operation: Operation


Richard had to be in hospital by 7.30am for his polyps removal and septoplasty operation. His mum took him in while I sorted out the dog and got Tess to school. I didn't sleep well and my throat was still sore so I gobbled up a few painkillers.

I then walked the dog, emptied the dishwasher, filled the dishwasher, filled the washing machine, changed our sheets, tidied the bedroom, tried to eat a tiny lunch, walked the dog again, vacuumed, moved things randomly from place to place, whilst all the time sending and receiving texts to and from Richard as he waited the 5 hours for his operation, finally texting me to say he was going in and then endured the long silence while I phoned his mum and waited for news and span around again and again. I cooked a special "welcome home and thank goodness it's all" over beef stew especially to cheer Richard up

In order to cope in situations such as this I push the "Whirling Dervish" setting on my programming. It's a bit of an operation for me too, and it's my only way of coping.
I do and rush and pace and spin and chant lists in my head and dash about looking for jobs in case one sneaks up on me.

By school-kicking-out time I still hadn't heard anything, so I phoned the hospital and they told me to call back later.

I fetched Tess from school and finally got a call at 4pm to say the operation went well, but a nasty infection had been discovered throughout his sinuses and he was "oozing" badly (their words) so they needed to keep him in and keep an eye on him.

I was really upset. I had pinned all my hopes on getting him home, feeding him, tucking him up in a clean bed and keeping an eye on him myself. The whole day had been about this. I had to wait a while before I phoned his mum because I thought I would cry.

I finally got to see him at 7pm for a short while, but had to get back because Gemma was going out and I didn't want to leave Joel and Tess and the dog.

I sat and ate alone and tried to watch TV but all I wanted to do was go to bed and magic the night away.

I texted Richard a few times and hoped he would be okay and manage to sleep.

(I took this iPhone pic on one of my many walks with the dog.)

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