
By LifeLines


Apologies for it is nearly a week since I posted a blip.  The combination of the heat and busyness have conspired against me.

On Monday the furniture was moved from the house at Liss and it has all been either found a home in our house here or is awaiting collection by the British Heart Foundation.  The sofa at Liss has already gone their way (on Thursday).  It feels good to have more of my furniture here and to have a clear out of things we no longer need.

On Wednesday, in all the heat, we got up early, dropped Merlin at the kennels and drove to Dorset to meet with a few members of my family.  We had lunch and then a walk at Wareham but really it was too hot to be out of the shade. Later we sat outside drinking tea and eating cake and then dinner.  It was wonderful to see them as due to Covid we have not seen each other in person since December/January. 

Andy and I arrived home at 10pm.  It was too hot to go to bed,  so we sat in the garden looking up at the stars.  It was clear and dark so we had a wonderful view.  As we sat  I thought I saw a firefly but soon realised it was too large and bright for that.   Then I saw another and we realised we were seeing a meteor shower!  In total we saw five meteors in the space of an hour.  A really special experience for me as I'd not seen any before.

Thankfully by Thursday the heat was tamed to a mere 26 degrees in the daytime and followed by rainfall at night.  It is such a relief to have cooler weather (its just over 20 degrees now).

This is a photo from the allotment, taken in haste amidst one of my watering sessions.  We have lots of old baths scattered around the site to capture rain water.  I particularly like this old iron(?) bath.

Hoping your week has been kind to you and that if you were too hot, you are now feeling cooler!

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