
By schorschi

Still here

We thought our lodger had disappeared as we hadn't seen her/him for some time. Luna sleeps much of the time directly against the terrace door (she loves cold places) and had often barked at night at things we couldn't see. We assumed it was our lodger Had been putting food out every night & in the morning it was gone but we couldn't be sure who had taken it? Was it one of our 4 cats? Saturday morning, Angie saw tracks in the snow by our terrace suggesting a marten was active & so since we hadn't seen the cat for so long & it was due to be very cold (i.e. freeze), decided not to put out any food.
I was up late watching football results on TV and shortly after midnight thought I would have a look. Got a torch & sure enough saw lodger perched on one of the garden chairs. Quickly warmed some water/milk and put this out with wet & dry food. Cat was not troubled when I went out to Blip her but at -10°C no wonder. Glad she/he is still about but wish it would come indoors.

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