Need help
The "display" the dogs are sitting next to, is situated just below the Ottobeuren basilica. It was placed there sometime last year and I have not yet got around to working it out but it seems to be a mixture of things related to the basilica, the priest Sebastian Kneipp and walks in the area. Lots to read on the boards, some in English too. The "scuöpture" bits then relate back to this, for instance there are 5 columns (4 visible in Blip) which deal with Kneipp's 5 basics of healthy living. The numbers on each side of the slab have a reference such as 26 different animals and 1200 angels are depicted in the basilica paintings/sculptures. I think the other sides show 16 (altars) and 10,918 (pipes on the three organs).
Think it's a job for Purbeck David to sort out while his better half sings at or attends on of the many choir and music concerts - Bernstein and von Karajan have performed here. In fact every Saturday afternoon there are free organ concerts raising funds (so far around 3m Euros) for a Leprosy and Tuberculosis fund.
Had to go to Ottobeuren as some problems with the paperwork from my chemists that I need for my tax return 201X (yet again a year or so late and threatening letter last week). They couldn't fathom out what was going on either so will look in to it. As the jeep wouldn't start after parking, abandoned it and went through the town and up to the Bannwald (forest) walk. A pleasant day; wind still and feeling much warmer than the 5°C on the thermometer. After nearly 2 hours walk, returned to the jeep which started as always instantly - but only when it is cold!!!
For all the misery the lows are causing further west and to the north, we continue to benefit. They are talking about +18°C at the weekend! Views of the alps were fantastic again today thanks to the light Föhn effect which will increase and cause the weekend's heatwave.
Thank you all for continuing to look by and for all your kind words. Have just been too busy with various things. Have a dreadful conscience. Keep dipping in to have a look at journals but not to comment - sorry - but I know most of what you are up to, even Emmy's lovely video! Will get back up to speed soon, I hope. For the meantime, fingers crossed for the British Isles. There seems to be no end in sight!
PS On the top left of the photo in the ocre coloured building's bell tower (Rathaus/Town Hall) is the excellent, almost video speed, webcam. At night a little colourless but during daylight a good way to check if I am telling the truth about the weather!
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