.. Teeny tiny eggs in the fruit netting.
Possibly butterfly eggs? (*)
I have seen them before in the same place another year, and watched them daily. Then we had a problem with one of the Elderlies and had to shoot off for a few days. When we returned the whatever they were had hatched.
It's good to know I shall have a second chance!
(I have tried to look them up but haven't found it easy though, admittedly, I have not tried very hard).
They are exquisitely beautiful, like miniature pearlescent blancmange moulds.
(I really didn't like blancmange, my Nanna could only make it lumpy, and unfortunately for me she abhorred waste...).
Here, we had a sparse lunch owing to the clumsy cook, who dropped the lovely cooked aubergine slices over the kitchen floor. No baba ganoush for us today then.
Never mind.
Soon teatime.
And I could do with losing some of this Lockdown weight anyway.
(* I was sure I had blipped them before, but couldn't find that blip either... I'm not having a wildly efficient day!).
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