Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Free veg

Sunday this morning, and I slept so badly last night, if I hadn't been on duty as a welcomer at church, I wouldn't have gone! I didnt get more than half an hour's sleep until after 6am, so felt washed out.
This is our organist, who having finished his voluntary rushed round the back of the hall to bring out his wheelbarrow filled with produce from our church garden. All organic and all free. In spite of our own home grown courgettes, I came away with a lovely big marrow which we will enjoy stuffed later in the week. Today there were courgettes, marrows, potatoes, three different types of garlic and a few beans available.
This afternoon I went round to help Ali in her garden then to deliver a couple of her surplus lavender plants down to Kathryn.
After our roast chicken for dinner we settled down to watch TV. We watched episode 3 of A Suitable Boy. It's a bit like the curate's egg I'm afraid although I am enjoying looking at my other favourite country.
Tomorrow is the first day of having our new boiler and heating system installed at church. At least we'll be warm this winter. We've had no boiler or heating since it was condemned while being serviced last November

Keep well everybody, we need to keep these numbers down. My extra shows my first attempt at making a mask. I was quite pleased with the result.
Steps today, 7504

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