As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


It snowed a lot last night. I'd guess that there was at least a foot of snow in Nassau; Suffolk got it much worse.

After shoveling for a bit, I took today to catch up on some work. It took me a while, but I finished last week's APUSH chapter. Now I just have to do this week's chapter, read 150 pages of Madame Bovary, take an APUSH take-home test, take a math take-home test, and do some physics questions. Good thing I'm playing at a senior citizen home tomorrow with Playback at 3, and have rehearsal at 10:45 and 1:15.

Pirates of Penzance is back on! There will be a 5:30 show tomorrow night, and a 7:00 show on Monday. Please come see the show and support all of the people that are involved in putting on this great show!

I took Peaches for a walk before dinner. We went through the Preserve, and she was absolutely beside herself. The snow was over her head, so she had to leap to stay above the snow. This is a panorama of the lake.

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