Overcoming a Phobia

We went for a walk today around the local regional park. A lovely family walk through the bush and then around looking over the sea. We stopped off at the playground there which has been gradually redeveloped into a Maori themed playground. There is a whare with the slides coming out of it, and multiple carvings around the area, plus these pou, which represent 4 of the native birds local to the area. One of them is a Kereru (wood pigeon), one is a fantail, one is a crane, and one is night bird (possibly a morepork).

After we came home, I decided that today was the day I was actively going to try and get over a stupid food phobia that I've had for many years. In my childhood, I had a mild egg allergy, which I gradually grew out of. Eating things with concealed egg in it has been fine, but having pure egg in the open, just wasn't going to happen. Now I'm quite a pragmatic soul, and fairly able to put on a reasoned front, but start telling me I will eat egg, solid egg, and I turn into a gibbering wreck. But positive action is going to be taken. It's stupid!

The Husband made this frittata for our lunch today. I ate an eighth of it. And it was DELICIOUS! I'm even taking a serving of it to work with me tomorrow for my lunch.

Yes, I am pathetic, but today I made a huge gain by eating this. I'm very proud of myself.

We went to the beach later in the afternoon for a swim, which was blissful. Then home for a BBQ tea. Kids have been read to and put to bed, so now time to get things ready for the week ahead.

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