
By LifeLines


The days are flying by under busyness at home and work. Amidst all the sorting of things we have been doing we found these butterfly identification cards which belonged to Andy's mum. They are in German. I am not sure how she acquired them but she always proudly recalled how she had won 'the German prize' at her school.

General busyness these past few days has included cleaning and clearing more stuff from the Liss house and finding a place for those additional possessions at home. The spare bedroom is now so full of things for the charity shop I can barely enter it. Andy has played golf twice and isn't too happy with his performance so is now trying the 'stack and tilt' method (!). I've been tracking down natural remedies for Merlin's itchy skin and covering for my boss at work. Meantime my sister and family are camping in Suffolk and having a lovely time. We did a FaceTime catch up with them this evening which was fun.

Hope all is well and to be less boring soon!

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