Gitama's World

By Gitama

Strange Fruit Take 2

I finally managed to get a decent shot of those egrets (with cormorant lording it at the top .......and not for want of trying) on the tree in the pond.

One needs to be very stealthy to get the little buggers cause they fly off at the first sign of someone watching/taking pics of them.....I am not stealthy.

It was a lovely drive home from Ma and Pas today....listening to music and driving through the cane fields on a glorious sunny afternoon....especially after the busy day taking mum shopping for plants and soil for her garden and then pressure hosing around by her washing line trying to cobble 3 sets of hose connections  together to get the pressure hose to work...jeez! nothing is easy.
All is well on old folks home front though...happy about that...(big outbreath).
Feeling a bit worse for wear from wrestling with renegade shopping trolly and lifting big bags of an early night is in order.

Got a lovely phone call from Deon (he is like the son I never had)...we chatted and laughed for about an hour and caught up on a few months of goings on...I always feel good after hearing from him.

“We sit in the mud, my friend, and reach for the stars.”
Ivan Turgenev

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