
Today's the day ……………………… to feed the birds

I cleaned out and filled up the bird feeders today - and it didn't take long for the word to get around.

At one point, there was a woodpecker and this nuthatch, both trying to get at the same feeder.  It was the nuthatch that lost out because the woodpecker had an even longer, more vicious beak - but he made his feelings known!  And then as soon as the woodpecker had gone, he was back.

I put up a new feeder with a sheltered tray to hold juicy snacks - like mealworms.  Just the sort of things that robins love.  The robin (see extra) soon discovered it but, in contrast to the bullyboy tactics above, he seemed very wary.  He perched nearby and looked across at it - but never actually ate anything.

He couldn't quite believe his eyes - but I daresay, that will change …………….!

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