Replacement glass
Back in February I started investigating replacement glass for several misted double glazed windows. Then we went into lockdown, so no repairs were possible. Now, at last, we have had the units replaced - although a couple will need to be replaced again, because the leaded lights were made to the wrong spacing. Nonetheless, it is good to be making progress at last.
After steady rain for most of the day, there was a sufficient pause late afternoon for me to go and pick the remaining plums from our tree. Ignoring the plums which fell before I could get to them, or the plums which were rotten, damaged, or attacked by birds or insects, or those too high for me to reach (there weren't sufficient of these to make it worth getting the ladder out), I picked a total of 26.6 kg (58.6 lb) from our single tree. This has probably been the best year yet.
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