
This was the view from my balcony last night. The hanging feeder is actually a candle lantern given to me by a friend and I made it into a jelly feeder.

Yesterday was a really tough one. The USPS postal debacle has a direct negative effect on my life as I need packages to arrive to customers on time to maintain site exposure. This is my livelihood. I had to refund 3 people in 2 days over late deliveries and usually that only happens once every 3 years or so. On top of that my sales plummeted because of the defects on my account. The defects have been removed but money out of pocket was a hit I cannot afford. Not to mention the high level of stress this is causing. BUT I carried on as usual hoping for improvement and there has been some. I can see it. I tried to focus on good things. A tiger swallowtail and a spotted fawn were bright spots, as well as seeing blips and blipmates here.

Now to make today better and keep hopeful.

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