Proud Weegie

By Shiv

"No Card" (grrr)

Big two girls didn't want to play today, so we took No 3 to visit the Modern Art Gallery.

This used to be a favourite haunt of ours when the big two were little. Loads of bizarre pieces of 'art', and loads of clever pieces - free parking and they serve cake!

No 3 was very amused by the Picasso !!

However today we stumbled into an exhibition on 'Death' - which was beyond macabre. After visiting a few galleries we had to hustle No 3 out quickly as the images were very disturbing.

We headed over to the Dean Gallery. I wanted to checkout the building (as I have mentioned here it is one of the central scenes for a book I have just finished reading).

Lo and behold there's a plaque inside the door explaining the use of the building as an orphanage in a previous life.

I used to think it was a beautiful building, but I found it's previous use quite disturbing. But we still managed to stop for tea and cake.

Bit annoying though, as there is a private exhibition of Peploe on and a number of the Galleries were closed unless you want to pay a ridiculous amount for a sneaky peek.

Interesting fact - since last week you are allowed to take photographs (no flash) in the Gallery. BLIPTASTIC ! I was all set to grab a good one then I realise once again I had failed to replace my memory card back in my camera.

I had to bag this blip with my phone. Here's No 3 outside the Dean Gallery (orphanage in 'The Lewis Man').

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