Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Clinging on, with the wind up your whiskers...

... We've all been there :-/

In egg news, there is no egg news. 
I'm sure I'm entertaining the neighbours with my regular forays to the bushes to check (even more so owing to the paving slabs being very slippery, so I have quite a considered, slow, 'walking on eggshells' look about me, as though I'm stalking something really exotic and unDerbyshire-ish). 

I had a list of fourteen jobs to complete today, and all jobs are 'jobbed' (an old boss of mine used to use that phrase. It used to irritate me. These days I simply feel the satisfaction of ticking things off a list). 

It's a little early but there's a real feel of September (and going back to school) out there today. I kind of like that. 

Anyway, it's Friday and the red wine forecast is looking particularly chipper :-)
Happy Friday one and all!

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