Driplet day

Well it was snow but turned to sleet then rain hail
and back to snow. I went to town with my daughter
today so I must be on the mend, I bought baby stuff
in TK Max I went a bit mad, it's been such a long time
since I have looked at baby stuff and I was lost for
choice, I really enjoyed it. While we were doing the
very important stuff, Mr L and Grandson no 1 went
to a model thingy!!!!!!!!!!! yawn yawn yawn :-)))
On our way out this morning the car got stuck up the
brae hill but good ol Mr L and said G'son came
and gave us a shove, when we came home it was slush
so no probs.
Hope your all having a great day, Im cooking supper now
Roast rosemary/garlic lamb, and very crunchy roast
tatties, oh and I guess I will thow in some veg, I am
starving..... oh I forgot a chocolate mousse pudding thingy!

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