Aye Aye

Pretty little Tree sparrow posed quite nicely for me today.
Right ... today Mr L forced me to do something I didn't want
to do....Forced me I say..Do you lovely people want to know
what I was forced into doing..Well I'll tell you, he said you
can make a granary loaf today Lemmy, I moaned a lot I
can tell you, so I made one, well I have to be honest I quite
enjoyed it,
and it was better than any work out, I have muscles
I didn't know I had...:-D This bread making malarky is getting
to be a habit.....And I am going to get fat er...do I care nope...
Good job Im not competitive in any shape or form or he would
want to see who's was the best , he would win hands down lol

Listen to the right people and ignore the wrong ones.
People that doubt you..hate you and judge you are never
worth your time or attenti0n.
Hope your all having a nice day, it's mild and sunny here!!!!!!!!
Large to see his eye

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