
By QuerkyPoo


Its been very nice of Mr.DTrump to have shown such kindness to NZ in the last few days, expressing his concern about our small number of Covid19 cases. With that in mind I've decided to give him my engineering expertise and come up with an idea for a wall I know he has been very interested in erecting.. I encouraged the local shipping company to build this wall as an example of what might be a good solution to his problem?  It would be moderatly cheap as he could get a fleet of his ships to locate and recover all those containers which are blocking up the seaways - This would be a great help to Societies polution problem. - He might even be able to encourage the Nobel peace prize people to give him a wonderful peace prize.. Well Donald what do you think of my idea?
You might have to buy a barbed wire Company or two to stop the sticky fingers trying to scale the wall, but I'm sure with your cleverness you'll think of something - I've done the hard work for you!!
rgds Poo

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