Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Uh Oh.....

Fortunately, Donald and the rest of the gang got there in the nick of time!  PacMan somehow mistook poor Mickey for a ghost and offered his sincere apologies.  (No mice were harmed in the making of this blip.) ~Remembering Admirer on Silly Saturday. 

When we got our last load of wood in the winter, there was a PacMan-shaped piece of wood in it.  PD brought it inside to show me and I immediately wanted to paint it.  It stayed on the hearth until very recently when I saw yellow paint at the Dollar Store and remembered.  So, here he is after MANY coats of yellow paint and placement of a googly eye. :-))

Our washing machine had a leak a few days ago, so PD tilted it and I slid planks under it to raise it.  I wanted to wait for Darrin to move it but he was insistent and managed to tweak his back.  He was able to reach under it and find and fix the source of the leak!  I am grateful that he saved us a repair bill, even though he has a sore back. :-)

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