
By JohnHeuston1

Political advertising - stop the rot

From party political broadcasts to black and white photocopied leaflets popping through the letterbox, election advertising goes each year from bad to worse. How those are supposed to influence anyone to vote is anyone's guess. How they are supposed to influence or persuade is anyone's guess. How they are supposed to increase turnout from 30-40% levels is anyone's guess.

The nadir in this is the mini-banner tied to lamp-posts. Topping your opponent, being the one to be on top to send some kind of nonsense subliminal message, putting them twelve feet in the air to face oncoming traffic. Seriously, this is what it has come to in 21st century Scottish politics. Yes, budgets are restricted, yes donations are relied upon, but good grief - where's the innovation, the creativity? Where's the engagement, the call to action? Where's the attention, interest, desire, action? Where, even, is the Twitter or Facebook address?

This is advertising litter, clutter and garbage. Raise the bar, Scottish politics. Raise it at the next election, raise it at the independence referendum. Raise it before it's too late.

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