
This photo is unrepresentative of my day both literally and metaphorically.

Metaphorically because , despite the rain, it was a bright, colourful day. Dan was working but Abi and I drove down to Chorley for the miniMinx's birthday, which we celebrated at the Calico Lounge where we were joined by Charlie, the Minx, and, of course, the birthday girl herself.

A 'Hamilton themed' party had been requested and that was certainly reflected in the presents but also in the cake and (very fiddly) biscuits that the Minx had made. She'd also found appropriate lyrics from the musical to go on the tag for each of her presents. The miniMinx was clearly delighted and we all had a good party, which was facilitated in no small part by Calico Lounge's menu and staff.

Today's photo is literally unrepresentative because actually it was a lot gloomier than this when I went out for my walk this evening. The iPhone's amazing low-light facility has completely robbed my shot of its eldritch qualities! I should have taken my 'proper' camera!

-11.2 kgs
Reading: 'Girl, Woman, Other' by Bernadine Evaristo

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